Business Law, Tax Planning,
Risk Management
Richard is the managing partner of Brown & Streza, LLP. Richard is a business planning attorney working exclusively with closely held businesses and their owners. He exclusively counsels business owners with respect to the appropriate business structure taxation, risk management, and internal operational management. Richard has over 25 years of experience providing technical expertise in areas of taxation, risk management, insurance and management incentive planning. He counsels business owners on their business structures to accomplish growth, operational and succession plans. Richard counsels in excess of 500 business owners each year and constantly receives information on the benefits and detriments of different legal and incentive techniques. His experience has provided him with a wealth of wisdom in how to use the right structures and techniques at the right time. He routinely speaks to various organizations on these topics.
Brown & Streza LLP
40 Pacifica, Suite 1500, Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (949) 453-2900
Fax: (949) 453-2916
Email: Richard.Streza@brownandstreza.com
Brown & Streza LLP is a law firm providing integrated estate, business, and charitable planning from a tax perspective. From our Orange County, California offices, we serve individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and charitable organizations both locally and nationally. We provide caring service, deep expertise, and innovative solutions that are responsible and not reckless while embracing and communicating that life is more than wealth. We provide our integrated service through a team approach, working closely with a client's existing advisors and expanding the wealth management team as necessary to best serve the clients's individual need.
B.A., History - University of Colorado
J.D. - Pepperdine University
Member of:
Business Law Section, Orange County Bar
California Bar Association
American Bar Association